
The Netherworld or has a number of domains, referred to as Shada, Hades, Hel, Kurnugia, Irkalla, and it is also a component of Naraka or Yu Di. This is all a matter of religion, but it should be mentioned that this particular realm is not a place of eternal damnation. The Netherworld is a place in between life and the ultimate destination of a soul, and it is best compared to the Christian Limbo. It is a dark, murky, and depressing realm- A twisted pantomime of the real world, locked in a state of decrepid undeath. Everything there that once had physical form moulders in a state of decomposition. It has putrid oceans, inert continents, crumblings cities and petrified forests devoid of any true ecology, populated only by the slowly disintegrating bodies and minds of those passing into other place. Since the Netherworld is a concurrent plane, portals to many other planes exist within it. Many of these connect the Netherworld to the plane of negative energy, but it is also sometimes possible for souls to abandon their bodies here and move on to their fate.

As a result, the Netherworld has a twisted economy of its own, where the evil souls who try to linger must feed on the souls of the good who are too afraid to release from their putrifying bodies. While outsiders are strictly forbidden from traveling through the netherworld, Upper and Lower beings wait in Baraka and Abgal'la at the nexii in the sky and sea for those who stray beyond safe borders.

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